Fire Hydrant Systems

In the event of a fire, having a dependable and accessible hydrant system is vital. A fire hydrant is a connection point by which firefighters can tap into the premises water supply. It’s the first thing firefighters and rescuers seek while trying to put out a fire.

Extinguished Fire can assist with the installation and upkeep of hydrant systems in both residential and commercial settings. Extinguished Fire offers a team of professionals who can perform the task swiftly and efficiently, whether it’s a single residential unit, a housing complex, or a high-rise building. Call us right away!

In the event of a fire, having a dependable and accessible hydrant and hose reel system is vital. It’s the first thing firefighters and rescuers seek while trying to put out a fire.

Fire hydrants, also known as fire pumps, hydrant boosters, or fire water pumps, are high-pressure water pumps designed to increase hydrant service pressure when the main pump is insufficient. To control the fire, high-pressure water is given via the hose reel system.

Extinguished Fire can assist with the installation and upkeep of hydrant and hose reel systems in both residential and commercial settings. Extinguished Fire offers a team of professionals who can perform the task swiftly and efficiently, whether it’s a single residential unit, a housing complex, or a high-rise building. Call us right away!